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Need Your Nails Performed? Let a Robotic Do It.

This article is part of our new series, Currents, which examines how rapid advances in technology are transforming our lives.Omri Moran was on time for a first date, but the young woman, inexplicably, was late. She finally arrived, but…

The Robotic Surgeon Will See You Now

Dr. Danyal Fer sat on a stool a few feet from a long-armed robot, wrapping his fingers around two metal handles near his chest.As it moved the handles - up and down, left and right - the robot mimicked every little movement with its own…

Want a New Knee or Hip? A Robotic Could Assist Set up It

"When I started practicing 30 years ago, if someone had hip pain we would take an x-ray, and even if they had arthritis and were in their forties, we told them to change their activity and wait," he told Dr . William Maloney, professor of…