Tips on how to Get the Coronavirus Vaccine in N.Y.C.

The number for the state is 833-697-4829.

Why is it so complicated?

The systems that each agency or provider uses do not communicate with each other. Many of these planning portals existed on their own long before it became necessary to patch them into a city-wide search tool.

However, officials are trying to do better.

“The goal is to better align these systems, to make them easier to align,” said Dave Chokshi, commissioner for the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, at a January 14 briefing.

When are new slots loaded into the system?

If they do occur, keep trying.

Mr de Blasio said at a press conference on January 13th that the city’s locations would make new dates available at any time. New slots may appear in the middle of the night.

On the city’s vaccine hub website, those eligible for vaccination can subscribe to email updates about the availability of new dates.

How do I improve my chances?

There is strength in numbers.

It can be helpful to partner with neighbors, in a local social media group, or through a mutual aid organization to alert each other when nearby slots become available. Some families turn off their search tasks from shift to shift almost around the clock. If you’re trying to get an appointment for an elderly relative, see if you can split the work.

A cautionary story about reliance on links that are passed on: Newsday reported that up to 20,000 people who booked spots through a link posted for dates on Long Island had canceled them because the link hadn’t been live should be.

How do I find out about it? new locations?

The mayor’s website (especially transcripts of his press conference) and Twitter feed are good places to look. This week there was an announcement of three new vaccination sites in the New York City Housing Authority developments.

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