

How Do I Know if I Have Grownup A.D.H.D.?

“I call them time-blind,” added Dr. Barkley added. “You just can’t manage yourself when it comes to time limits.”

Kylie Barron, an ADDA spokeswoman with ADHD, called it a “performance disorder.” For them this means “always unwittingly messing up, putting your foot in your mouth and doing the wrong thing at the wrong time”.

These concerns are common among ADHD patients, said Dr. Barkley.

“They set goals and want to achieve them,” he added. And while they are really sincere, they usually don’t follow suit, especially when it comes to long-term pursuits, he said.

Many adults with ADHD also have trouble regulating emotions and may show anger, impatience, inability to work, self-doubt, and difficulty coping with stress.

However, with treatment and the right support, people with ADHD can be very successful.

Yes, but adults diagnosed with ADHD must also be before age 12.

“There are all sorts of reasons people can grow up without being diagnosed or discovered,” said Dr. Barkely.

Girls, for example, are diagnosed less often than boys, which is one of the reasons the prevalence of ADHD in women is typically underestimated, he added.

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