“In light of the violent, shocking attack on the United States Capitol this week and the votes of some members of Congress to undermine the November election results by challenging the results of the electoral college, the BCBSA will suspend contributions to those lawmakers who voted to undermine our democracy, “said Kim Keck, the group’s president and executive director.” While a contrast of ideas, ideological differences and partisanship are part of our politics, it must never be to weaken our political system and public confidence in it undermine. “
Marriott International
Hotel giant Marriott International said it had taken similar measures.
“We have taken into account the devastating events at the Capitol to undermine a legitimate and fair election, and we will suspend our political action committee’s political donations to those who voted against the confirmation of the election,” a spokesman said.
Lehigh University and Wagner College
Last week, two institutions announced that they had revoked the honorary degrees they had previously bestowed on Mr Trump.
Lehigh University, Pennsylvania, graduated in 1988 after its president called the property developer “a symbol of our time – all the daring and energy that the word tycoon evokes.” On Friday, two days after the attack on the Capitol, the university issued a statement that its board of trustees “voted to revoke and revoke the honorary title.”
Wagner College on Staten Island – the neighborhood of New York City where Mr Trump is still popular – announced Friday that its Board of Trustees voted to overturn the degree it awarded Mr Trump in 2004. No explanation was given.
In 2017, both Lehigh and Wagner considered revoking degrees awarded to Mr. Trump, but declined after Mr. Trump said there were “very good people on both sides” who were forcibly in Charlottesville, Virginia because of the efforts clashed to remove a statue of Robert E. Lee.
When Mr Trump campaigned for the presidency in December 2015, the UK’s Robert Gordon University announced that it had revoked the honorary title it had bestowed on Mr Trump five years earlier. During the campaign, a university spokesman said Mr Trump made “a number of statements that are completely inconsistent with the ethos and values of the university”.
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