The intensive care unit and the pulmonologist Dr. Vin Gupta told CNBC that for the next two months in the US, everyone should be in a “disaster mindset” as Covid-19 cases explode across the country.
“Doctors in the reserves, US Air Force reserves, we haven’t used all of our skills, we should use those resources – military, National Guard, as you call them, emergency ID cards for anyone properly trained in critical care,” Professor at the institute for University of Washington health metrics and assessment said Monday evening. “We need all hands on deck here.”
According to the Covid Tracking Project, there were 102,148 people in hospitals across the country with coronavirus as of Monday. New Mexico hospitals have reached the point where they may need to start rationing care. The state is likely to be the first to fill all beds in the intensive care unit during the pandemic. Now they are overloaded. Per Covid, the fourth highest in the nation, there are more than 43 people per 100,000 in the hospital, according to the Covid Tracking Project.
Gupta told The News with Shepard Smith that care rationing was actually spreading to other regions across the country. “This is a fact of life, and one of the reasons we believe that by the end of February about 500,000 Americans will lose their lives because we take care of the care and people can’t get the care they need.” the magnitude they need considering how out of control this pandemic is. “
The Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation modeling projects project 538,893 deaths from Covid-19 by April 1.
To save life, governors are using hospitalization and ICU capacity as key metrics to set new restrictions.
On Monday, Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that parts of the state would close when hospitals are 90% full. He also said indoor dining in New York City may close soon.
At least 33 million people in California are regionally locked after ICU capacity fell below 15% in some regions. California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom said the appointment would take at least three weeks.
Gupta, an NBC medical worker, described what he called “common sense” of encouraging people not to travel by bus or plane, minimizing gatherings and stopping eating indoors. “Unfortunately, I think these are the parameters that we have to adhere to,” he said. “Do I think they are draconian? I think they are common sense and I think if we can stick with these things we will be able to mitigate the transmission until vaccines are used in the near future.”
Pleading with Americans to wear three-layer masks everywhere in public, Gupta added that there was “compelling data” for people 55 and older that suggest wearing the extra layer of face shield with a three-layer blue mask be safer.
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