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Cloud Wars: Mideast Rivalries Rise Alongside a New Entrance

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates — Iranian officials have worried for years that other nations have been depriving them of one of their vital water sources. But it was not an upstream dam that they were worrying about, or an aquifer being…

NASA’s Perseverance Rover Stashes First Mars Rock Pattern

NASA’s Perseverance rover on Mars has confirmed the successful collection of its first rock sample.“One down, a lot more to go!” Kenneth A. Farley, professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology and the mission’s…

Oil Spill within the Gulf of Mexico: What We Know

Divers searching for the origin of a substantial oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico — one of several spotted off Louisiana’s coast after Hurricane Ida — have discovered three damaged pipelines near the leak, though murky conditions on the…

Black Vulture Assaults on Animals Could Be Growing

The scenes described from Indiana's farmlands and elsewhere seem to jump from one page in a horror novel, with black vultures descending into the forests and pastures of the Midwest and beyond.Farmers report gruesome attacks on their…

When Will the Delta Surge Finish?

Die Vereinigten Staaten sind in die vierte Welle der Pandemie eingetreten – oder in die fünfte, je nachdem, welchen Experten Sie fragen. Da die Impfkampagne hinterherhinkt und sich die ansteckende Delta-Variante ausbreitet, sind die Fälle…

How Nania The Elephant Beat the Odds

Der Elefant war allein und dehydriert, als die Dorfbewohner sie zum ersten Mal fanden. Es war September 2017, und das mutterlose Säugetier, das in der Nähe von Boromo in Burkina Faso umherwanderte, war erst 2 oder 3 Monate alt.„Sie war…